Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I just do not get it. {A petty girl blog}

I get legitimately pissed off when people who should NOT be so conceited are so conceited!! I cannot understand, for the life of me, why some people continue to take pictures of themselves and post them for all the world to see. I have honestly unfriended and unfollowed people because their constant pictures of their face irritate me. And please someone tell me what the deal is with people taking pictures of themselves SLEEPING?! Is that some strange thing like “sleep-walking”? I’ve never heard of “Sleep-taking pictures of myself”…
I know this is completely out of the norm as a topic of one of my blogs, but it is something that I have kept pent up inside of me and I needed to let this monster out! 
I know for a FACT that I am not the most gorgeous girl in the whole world and, yes, if I’m feeling pretty at a certain moment in time I might post a “selfie” but dear Lord, those people… I just wonder if other people think that too or if that is just a part of me that really needs to find Jesus… or both? Hahaha
I feel better now. :)
Sleepless & Hormonal in Los Angeles

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