Monday, June 3, 2013

Society vs Popcorn

One of the things that kept me sane through pregnancy, newbornhood, the whole first year was reading. When I was pregnant, I loved reading about what was going on with this little being growing inside of me.. It helped me know "What to Expect." Reading about breastfeeding definitely helped and also about baby's sleep habits once she made her appearance. It just calmed my nerves to know... call it a control thing? I don't know. 

Reading had it's ups and it's downs. I remember numerous times my mom would say to me "STOP READING SO MUCH!!" and when she was a newborn I was venting to her and my mom said "She's not by the book. Listen to HER!" And it's true. While reading helped me in so many ways it did not always prove to be 100% on course. It was all so new to me and, sure, it would've been so nice to have flipped to a page to find out why my child was crying, that's just not how it works. 

It helped me to expect that around 8-9 months, my daughter would start to experience separation anxiety at night... and that was so true. It helped me to understand that around 4 or 5 months, she may go through "nursing strikes" and she did. That from birth she would go through an insane amount of growth spurts within those first 3 months and what to expect during those. 

What reading also did to me was make me somewhat paranoid about things. Don't do this or baby might do this. Don't feed your baby this or they might do THIS! Your baby's bed is to be nothing but a slab of rock or else they might die of comfort! Don't let your newborn cry or else she'll grow up thinking no one in this world loves her and that's how the Charles Manson's are born

DD is now 15 months old and what I have had to realize is that I'm the parent. I know my daughter better than the back of my hand.. I know her like the muscles and tissues and nerves and bones inside the back of my hand. 

I may have put a little extra padding inside her bassinet (not much, but just a little), and put a folded blanket under her crib sheet for a little cushion when I moved her to her crib. We used crib bumpers. When she got old enough to turn over both sides I put little stuffed animals and lovey's in her crib as well as a baby blanket. I let her cry. I feed her hot dogs. And popcorn. 

I get the possibility of what COULD go wrong. However, I know my child. I don't just give her a whole hot dog and bowl of popcorn and leave the room. But, she is human and let's face it... those things are staples in America and if I can't give her a hot dog and some popcorn then I am denying her the freedom on which this country was build *cue patriotic anthem* My four fathers once said..... wait... four fathers or forefathers? Hmmm.....

Anyways, I sometimes have to remind myself that it's okay to let her enjoy the good things in life. In moderation. And with supervision. She knows that she has to drink lots of water while eating her popcorn. One good sip every couple bites in case one of the little hulls gets stuck in her throat.

I constantly have to block out some of the stuff society says about what to do with your kids. It will drive you slap crazy if you let it! 

Educate yourselves, but know your kids :) 


Sleepless in Los Angeles

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