So, my husband is probably cursing my name during his entire ride in to work this morning and I feel terrible about it. I took the car yesterday evening and didn't put gas in it and.... it's on E. I completely forgot to tell him until this morning when he was walking out the door.... late. I also kinda took the weekend off this weekend a.k.a. I did as little mommy/wifey-work as possible. So he had no breakfast burrito this morning to eat on the way because I didn't make them. Why? Because they take a good 3 hours to cook everything, assemble them, and wrap them up to freeze.
I have these days from time to time. You know, the kind where it feels like nothing you do is right. I suppose I should've came home and grabbed his debit card, loaded up the baby back into the car, and gone to get gas... My intention was to go put gas in the car when the baby went to bed. And I obviously forgot.
I'm extremely forgetful and it sucks. It has gotten so much worse since our daughter was born too. I get so irritated because I lose the dumbest things! It's even worse when other people are involved. Most of the time it's my husband.
So enough of the pity-party. Since he left for work this morning hating my guts I have to step it up today to make it up to him. Overall, I think I'm a darn good wife though. I don't know many women who wake up every morning and make their husband's breakfast and lunch for the day. In fact, not too long ago I was involved in a post on Facebook where women were actually talking about how their husbands should make the coffee for them before they left for work so that they could sleep in and it would be ready when they got up. I couldn't believe it! Reading their comments I was thinking to myself "I can't imagine the look on my husband's face if I asked him to make me a pot of coffee so I didn't have to get out of bed..." Come on, ladies.
I hate that this morning happened the way it did and I know it's going to put my hubby in a terrible mood at work and it's all my fault. I seriously hate that. But what's done is done and I just need to not let it happen again.... like.. ever.
Guilty in Los Angeles
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