Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nights, Naps, & Potty-time

Shoooowee! Life with a two-year old is crazy unpredictable! I'm not sure what in the world happened to H last night but she woke up like ten times crying--Not just whimpering like she would sometimes do for a second and fall back asleep-- this was full-on crying and yelling for me or her Dad. She got a cold a few nights ago and I can tell she is on the last leg of that but I'm not sure what would keep waking her up like that. I do know that a night of broken sleep makes for a very long morning for me!

Nights with her have been touch and go lately. She has not taken her afternoon nap in a few weeks now and I think that has something to do with her nighttime sleep on those nights like last night. I read a long time ago that some kids can get overtired when they don't nap and it actually causes them to sleep worse at night. Which is the opposite of what one would think would happen. Remembering too, of course, that not all kids are the same. And the quote "They'll sleep when they're tired." is not true in all cases either especially at this age!

Her nap time is the same time every single day. She knows she is supposed to stay in her bed even if she wants to read a book or play with her animals she needs to stay in her bed. Does that happen? Negative. But I got tired of fighting that. She is quiet in her room so I do go in from time to time to tell her to get back in bed and she does. The point to that is that if she is in her bed eventually, one would think, that she would get bored and fall asleep but she hasn't done that in weeks. So I keep her in there for as long as she would normally nap. She is completely content in there too which I am happy for because that time is my time to work on my photography editing which I cannot get done while she's awake.

So it seems every other night she has a rough night where she wakes up a lot and I know it has something to do with her not napping during the day but I have no clue what to do about it. My daughter went from taking naps lasting 12:30-3:30 every single day to not sleeping at all. I am beginning to wonder if it is the potty training. We have been potty training since January. We had her 95% trained but then had to go on a trip to Georgia and it all just went out the window. Sure, it's probably my fault, but I honestly didn't feel like dealing with it over there. I knew it would just be accident after accident since she wasn't in her own element and we were staying in three different places during that week. When we got back home I started over again and this time she was way more difficult to train than that first time. It almost seemed more of a rebellion though and I can't explain why. She would whine when I mentioned sitting on the potty or tell me "I don't have to!" every time I asked if she had to go. I would put her on the potty every hour hoping she would go and she would just hold it. She would hold it until she couldn't hold it anymore and if I didn't catch her cues she would just pee all over herself! We are finally past that and she actually doesn't mind sitting on the potty and she will sometimes tell me. Most of the time I just put her on it every hour unless she tells me otherwise.

Yesterday, I put a potty in her room since the past two days I have found her with her pull-up off in her room. I think she views them as her panties and when she goes in them she wants them off because she doesn't like feeling wet. That's what I think is happening there. So I put a potty in her room in hopes that she'll go in the potty and then put her pull-up back on. We'll see how that goes today!

Anyways, I believe she's going through some sort of phase and will eventually begin to take her naps again. Or maybe that's wishful thinking! But as long as she is happy and content I will continue to use that time for ME and my photography.

Have a great day everyone!


Exhausted in Los Angeles

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