Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Melaina 8.5.86 - 2.2.14

I just recently had to deal with one of the hardest things that I've ever dealt with in my life. Since I'm only 27 I never imagined I would have to face something that is actually quite common in young people. I have had acquaintances die suddenly from car accidents or drug overdoses but never anything this strange and to someone so close to me. I guess it's something you just take for granted. I have a friend who's best friend passed away in a car accident and year after year I see posts from her reminiscing their days together and how heavy-hearted she is on the anniversary of the incident from years ago.

Never did I imagine that I would be put in that position. And I know I'm not alone here.

I look back at the text messages from the last time I spoke to Melaina. She sent me a text wishing me Happy New Years and then the next day asking me if I knew anything about our dental insurance because she had a filling fall out. I just responded "Nope! I sure don't!" And that was it. A month went by and I didn't reach out to her again.

As teens we were inseparable. If I wasn't "living" at her house, she was "living" at mine! We would stay up late gossiping about girls, giggling about boys, watching chick flicks, and eating whatever we wanted. Those were the good ol' days when we could do that! Melaina was so happy all the time! We almost never stopped laughing. We had SO MANY inside jokes! We were certain no one really "got us" and we were okay with that because we had each other. We would fight about stupid things and go a week without talking to each other until one of us caved (usually ME) and then it'd be like nothing ever happened!

Even as adults we did this. We had our differences in many different areas but it never stopped us from communicating to check in and see how things were going. Her and her husband were stationed in San Francisco and me in mine in Los Angeles. As soon as her husband went for training she came down to stay with her Dad and almost every day she was over here at my house. And when she wasn't here she was at the gym by where her dad lived. She even made a friend there! Leave it to Melaina to make a friend wherever she went. Not only that but leave it to Melaina to get into a car accident in the parking lot! LOL!! Her sister, Natalie, and I were laughing the other night about how Melaina never could drive! Bless her heart. hahahaha!

I miss her. I took for granted having her just a text message away whenever I wanted.

And just because the services are over does not mean the hurt instantly goes away. I know there are people in her life who have to deal with that hurt 1,000 times more than myself. I pray for you guys. I pray for the strength of each one of you. The words "I can't even imagine" don't even begin to explain the amount of pain you're feeling.

I am a strong believer in God and I have faith in His word. We all know the saying "God works in mysterious ways." But even as a Christian it is so hard for me to imagine how things like this that happen to such good people could even be turned around for good... but I guess that's where my faith needs work. I will continue to pray for the family of Melaina every single day that God provides them with the strength to get through this one days at a time. There are good days and bad days and I just hope that over time there will start to be more good than bad.

Melaina definitely wouldn't want people moping around and sobbing every day. She'd want us to get up off our butts and get moving... go work out... go soak up the sun...

We miss you, Laine and will ALWAYS miss you. I know I'll see you again and we'll share many laughs together! Knowing you, you'll want to talk smack about the other angels! LOL. You are so loved by all that knew you. Love you, Lainerz <3


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